Loving, Living, & Us

As time passes, relationships, cities and towns, our bodies, and our minds—they change. It’s inevitable.

We lose touch with loved ones, we fight with friends, and our childhood homes get sold (or in my case foreclosed upon). Rents go up, jobs cease to exist, we tear muscles that change the trajectory of our lives, and we make mistakes that cost us, and our loved ones, everything. We go through hard times, and we go through really, really hard times…but we also experience other moments.

Truly incredible, awe-struck, miraculous moments. We meet incredible people working every day to make the world we live in a safer, happier, and healthier place. We establish friendships with whom we would have never thought we would have. We overcome challenges and experience overwhelming successes. We have sex with people we just met, and we fall in love with people who make us rethink it all.

We have connections with our dogs and our cats, and our fiddle-leaf fig houseplants in ways that “you just wouldn’t understand.” We try new things, we set boundaries, we take risks. We create life from what seems like nothing but turns out to be everything. We learn what is important to us and what we can do without. We have interactions that impact us every day, but never comprehend by just how much.

We do our best to love who we are today by knowing we tried just a little harder than we did the day before. We live in moments that bring us joy, and ones that cause us pain—because life isn’t always peaches and daffodils (or whatever that phrase is). We realize that without the people, places, friendships, creatures, plants, challenges, and hard times, there wouldn’t be an us to worry about in the first place.

We embrace the moments we don’t get to choose, and we learn to coexist with things we have yet to understand.

This is a personal blog but it’s about more than my journey of loving and living on this planet. It’s about how some people change, and some people never will. It’s about how modern life is complex but also pretty simple if you think about it (or maybe stop thinking about it so much). It’s moments and stories that are told through the perspective of one person but created by a heck of a lot more than that. It’s about learning to love and loving to live.

It’s about us.

-I’m Sean and this is Loving, Living, & Us.

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